
“Before I started working with Monica, I was in a very low place mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. I have gone through a lot of drastic changes in the past few years, and I have been processing some heart wounds that I could not get past on my own. I felt lethargic, empty, alone, depleted, and had no energy or hope to keep pursing my relationship with God like I had been able to before.  I honestly felt like I was in a pit of mud with steep sides all around and could not get out.

Monica and her Intercessor with the prompting of the Holy Spirit were able to radically pull me up out of the pit of mud and get me on the right path again. I received so much healing, breakthrough and clarity on my identity and calling. They helped me to process and understand what I was going through, through the lens of God’s love and truth. I have been listening to the recordings of our sessions, and I am gaining even more direction, encouragement, hope, and peace. I would highly recommend working with Monica and her intercessor. Their love for the Lord is apparent, and they were able to create a loving, safe, and peaceful atmosphere for me to be able to process the hard situations and emotions I was going through.  I am so grateful for Monica and her ministry, for helping me get back on my feet and running for the Lord.”

— Kristin

“Monica ministers the delight and pleasure of the Lord. Every time I met with her, she provided a safe and encouraging environment for me to hear from the Father and affirm what He was saying to me. I left the sessions edified and excited for my future, with a page full of nuggets from the Holy Spirit to take with me.”


“Doing a PHH session with Monica was so powerful. I was able to see things differently of past memories and see it in God’s point of view. I was able to see exactly where God was and hear what He had to say. This helped heal areas of my heart that I have been struggling with. I felt so much love from Jesus and His comfort through the session. Each session God gave me images to hold on to with the way He loves and cares for me. I’m so thankful for these sessions.”
